Central Pennsylvania Music Teachers Association is an affiliate of the Pennsylvania Music Teachers Association and the Music Teachers National Association. Founded in 1846 by Theodore Presser in Delaware, Ohio, MTNA serves 25,000 independent music teachers committed to the pursuit of excellence in music teaching. MTNA and its affiliates seek to promote the professional growth and development of its members and to further the art of music by providing programs that encourage and support teaching, performance, composition and scholarly research. To receive membership applications, and additional information about our organization click MTNA APPLICATION
[Left to Right Back Row] Peggy Myers, Secretary; Victoria Petrosky, Triolo coordinator; Anne Marie Hildebrandt, ex-President; Ian Duh, Current President(not pictured); Koya Ohmoto, music coordinator; Wendy Bachman, Publicity.
[Left to Right Front Row] Judy Moore, Vice President; Teri Smith , treasurer and Dorothy Sutton Performance Festival chair; Patricia Lloyd, Triolo Competition chair.
A CPMTA Membership Offers You...
A Communication
Professional Standards
Career Training and Development
Recognition of Student Achievements
Financial Benefits
A Unified Voice for Arts Advocacy